Friday, May 9, 2008

Misa's DIY Death Note

Since I didn't want to spend $18 on a replica of Misa's death note I decided to make my own and it was really easy so I'll let you in on the secret. ;)

What you'll need:
1 composition style notebook. Like this ($1.99)
1 jar of black paint. Something that goes on smooth. I don't remember the name of the kind I used and I spilled it all over the label. ($2.99)
1 Silver Sharpie (pack of 2 for $2.29)
1 sponge paint brush (pack of 10 for $.99)
Masking/painters tape (about $2-3 a roll)

Ok, first make sure you've got some newspaper down and you're wearing old clothes. Then put another piece of newspaper between the cover and the first page of the notebook. Now, start painting. I used a sponge brush but you can use any kind of paintbrush you want. I painted 2 coats on the back and the front. I also painted the inside front cover. Didn't worry about the back because it wasn't that important and I was running out of paint.

The writing on the front was a little tricky at first, but then it became easy. First I made a stencil with the painters tape and I stuck it to my pants a few times before putting it on the book so it wouldn't rip off the paint. After filling in the first letter with the sharpie like this I decided to ditch the stencil and just draw it freehand. I think it turned out fine.

I still have to put the "how to use it" page in the front but I need to go to FedExKinkos for that.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Misa Amane

Emerald City Comic Convention is this weekend here in Seattle and I'm putting together a Misa costume from Death Note (one of my favorite animes/mangas). The costume I had been planning fell through because I bleached my hair. This may be a little last minute, but I'm pleased with how it's coming along.

I spent my afternoon adjusting a shirt I already owned. First I sewed lace along the bottom.
Then I sewed the darts in closer since the shirt was always too big for me. Which resulted in a really cute ruffle on the back(Score!):

Finally I sewed more lace to the cuffs and collar. I also made the collar look rounded by using rounded lace sewn to the outside:

Even Mom was impressed by how it looked. She says I'm improving. I hope so.
~Monday, May 6th~

I got tights for Misa! Looked online on and and Hottopic had them for $6! I also got some chunky heels at Value Village for $4, so my costume is complete. I'm thinking I'll make a new tie after this weekend, but here it is:

I also finished my Death Note, but that'll go in another post.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Brand New Blog

And it has a punny title. Ahhh...

This is a place where I can collect all my sewing projects together and you can look at them. I don't know how often I'll be updating, but now that my bedroom is half sewing room, I'll probably be on here a lot. I might include props on here as well. We'll just have to find out.
